4 definitions by FeepingCreature

Vaguely and indirectly referencing an opinion that would be offensive if spelled out, in order to avoid being banned. Toxic to conversations, because it leaves it to the person responding to reference the controversial topic. Common around racial politics in nominally neutral forums.
How about you stop darkly hinting and say what you mean?
by FeepingCreature February 11, 2019
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In gaming, the act of forcing a player to "choose to" do something they don't really want to in order to advance the plot according to the wishes or designs of the GM.

Thus, the player feels like they're being moved through a world (or plot) as if on train tracks, without any choice on where to go.
"So we have to search the lower dungeon to find the key, despite the fact that this door is rotten and my character has 19 strength? Stop railroading us!"
by FeepingCreature March 10, 2013
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Derogatory term for controversial webcomic Homestuck.
Man, homosuck is being unusually terrible today and yet I can't stay away.
by FeepingCreature September 10, 2012
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Funge, verb: niche lay-economics term meaning "trade off" or "can be traded off". Invented verb form of "fungible", meaning economically interchangeable.

Usage: "X funges against Y" or "I'd funge X against Y."

The example indicates that they'd take a big, somewhat noisy apartment if it was moderately cheap.

Indicates that you care about a property, but correspondingly about another property, so that some increase in one is worth some decrease in the other, in a somewhat linear fashion.
"I want a big apartment, but that funges against price and noise, to a point."
by FeepingCreature April 23, 2019
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