7 definitions by Enderstorm10

Someone who uses literal human body’s to create art
People artist: My newest masterpiece!
by Enderstorm10 April 27, 2020
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A person who dosent appear ever
Person 1: I wonder if there’s more than 4 people in our universe
Person 2: Damn that’s something to think about
Person 3: The 5th could be anywhere
Person 4: we must find that man
Person 5: I’m right here
Person 6: hah I don’t exist
by Enderstorm10 April 27, 2020
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A creepy pasta containing tracer from overwatch these aren’t very common but they exist
I think
Person 1: I just made a creepypasta tracer!
Person 2: you are so weird just say tracer creepypasta
by Enderstorm10 June 13, 2020
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When you throw soup at someone and than drink the soup then repeat 9 time
Person 1: I just souped somebody
Person 2: lol that must have been hard
Person 4: i think it was Person 1
Creator: thats what happens if you commit a souping
by Enderstorm10 April 27, 2020
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The place where the class of 2020 was hosted
Person 1: it’s great that schools are closed
Person 2: but I have to take zoom classes
Person 1: damn
by Enderstorm10 April 27, 2020
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When you can’t spell maybe right
Person 1: Jaybe I can
Person 2: Did you just misspell Maybe?
Person 1: Sorry autocorrect
Person 2: We are talking in real life though
by Enderstorm10 June 13, 2020
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Something you say before using the toilet
Person 1: what a lovely time we are having
Person 2: yes
Person 1: person 3 how are you feeling
Person 3: Puerto Lobos! *runs to toilet*
by Enderstorm10 December 13, 2019
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