86 definitions by Donald Cowboy Cerrone

When you fart while a very pretty girl is sucking your penis.
Melania Trump was giving me a terrific BJ. During the BJ i farted. She stopped and said "that was sooooo gross Jimmy, you are such A Dirty Jim Dog.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 18, 2017
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A small metal designed frepatooky that folks wear on their chest to identify themselves as being in a position of authority or importance.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone September 11, 2018
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Randy Johnson the former big league pitcher who pitched for several teams throughout his brilliant career was nicknamed the big unit.
Johnson was called the big unit for several reasons . He was the tallest pitcher in major league history measuring 6'11" and being a southpaw, it was almost impossible for lefties to get a hit off Johnson. Furthermore, there are several words that mean penis such as dick, cock, johnson....etc. So, Randy Johnson, who was known as a real asshole and physically resembled a huge penis was given the nickname "the big unit"
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 13, 2017
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A person who owns a cell phone but uses it as a hammer.
That simple dimplee poo ruined her cell phone.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 12, 2017
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1: A person who stinks 2: A difficult task 3: a putrid smelling fart
Jennifer cut a very bad smelling pussy fart as I had intercourse with her. I now call Jennifer the little stinker.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone January 31, 2020
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The funnest word in the world to say!
It is so fun to say beegeezums!
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 12, 2017
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A nasty, dirty fighter who fights as a bantam weight in the UFC, better known as Ricky Ramos.
Ricky Ramos is a great fighter as evidenced by his 12 & 2 record and success in the UFC. Ramos is often called Dirty Ramos because of his dirty, cheating fight style. He also by superstition, does not wash his buttocks or genitals for months leading up to his fights. His dirty tactics such as biting, eye gouging, and illegal elbow strikes combined with bad smells permeating from his body make Ramos a very unpopular combatant.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone July 1, 2019
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