8 definitions by Colin 100

The momentary doorstep halt while you check you have your keys, before pulling the front door shut.
"Why's that guy stood there like a statue with his front door still open?"
"Dude, he's probably having his front door pause."
by Colin 100 November 1, 2013
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Someone playing the victim, who works in a place voluntarily but wants to pretend there's an obligation forcing them to be there.
"You ain't no wage slave actually, honey. Door's over there! Woss stoppin' you leavin' if you likes? Why nuttin! Nuttin stoppin you leavin at all. So stop your moanin' an pretendin' an get real."
by Colin 100 October 30, 2015
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What men get by sticking their penises up other men's bottoms.
..."That disease he has does an awful job on you. Your lungs fill up."
"Well, he should have kept his penis out of other men's bottoms then," Janice says, lowering her voice though, so the nurses and orderlies in the hall don't hear.
~ "Rabbit at Rest", by John Updike (1990)

"You want to know why I don’t have AIDS, why I'm not HIV-positive like so many other people? I don’t fuck around. It’s as simple as that."
~ "Timequake", by Kurt Vonnegut (1997)
by Colin 100 December 1, 2012
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A seriously bad dream, but experienced during daylight hours.
"I had a nightmare yesterday."

"Oh? At what precise time did this happen?"

"During my afternoon siesta."

"Dude, that wasn't a nightmare. That was a daymare!"
by Colin 100 December 7, 2012
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Capable of being done.
"Running a first marathon on only sixteen weeks' training? Yes, it's do-able. You won't enjoy it, dude, but it's do-able."
by Colin 100 November 28, 2012
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An international concept that entails a union between a man and a woman.
"We're going to get married."

"But Dan, you're a guy, and Hector is a guy too. How can you possibly get married? It isn't possible."

"It is now!"

"It won't really be a marriage though, will it? You need a man and a woman for that."
by Colin 100 December 9, 2012
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How you learn your lessons in life when you never listened to your father.
"That Desmond, he only ever learns the hard way, don't he?"

"He never listened to his father, that's why."
by Colin 100 November 30, 2012
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