19 definitions by Cletus

A boog on boog crime where white society is the winners you hear.
That was the best driveby ever. Only 3 boogs still alive. Let's lynch them
by Cletus February 27, 2003
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Slang for a girl who recently lost her virginity.
Jack: Holly used to seem so innocent and pure.
Himmler: She's nothing but a stained glass window now.
by Cletus September 14, 2003
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A person with no life who likes to pretend he's witty by calling people gay a whole bunch and believes that Movie Comics is actually a good comic. In other words, a total and absolute blithering moron.
by Cletus June 16, 2003
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term used by hillbillies to ask if you brought something with you
"You didn't bring your truck wichyadigya?"
by Cletus January 25, 2005
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a complete loser... one who had no friends..someone who is used for there resources..
u are a tool...
by Cletus April 11, 2003
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The lesser form of hardcore, someone who neither has a lot of courage/balls or no courage at all.
Hey guys, I went mountain biking. I told you I was core.
by Cletus August 21, 2003
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