10 definitions by Beep

A Active Worlds GOD, everone likes this person he is the best of the best and PrinceBullet is his best friend hes like the 2nd god hes cool
Yo, have you seen Celeron1234 latly? I wanna meet him he is soooo 1337!!!
by Beep April 4, 2005
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like the little britain example but when you do it with your "partner" not your mum or nan.
ben wanted bitty from jess
by Beep March 25, 2005
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stop being a dorkus
by Beep December 11, 2003
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Yes, a band, but used to mean terryifying, awe-inspiring, dwarfing. Scary, but a good kind of scary.
Seeing a tornado for real was sublime!
by Beep April 24, 2005
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The sixth largest city in Canada. A lot of residents here fear the city will one day be like Toronto, but it's not. Missisauga's a lot cleaner, there's less crime, and it's not that busy. Plus, we don't elect idiotic morons to go sit in city hall and pretend to take care of our city.
Mississauga's waaaay better than Toronto, because we have a kick ass mayor. Hazel's a better mayor than Mel Lastman and David Miller combined.
by Beep April 2, 2005
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