11 definitions by BLADE

To force someone into a sexual act through manipulation or incapacitation.

From a story told by US Army soldiers after Desert Storm about a soldier who used ether to knock out his tent-mate and force anal sex. The name of the story was "The Ether Buddy," and a common mispronunciation was "The Easter Bunny."
He easterd you into doing WHAT??
by BLADE April 28, 2004
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by BLADE August 11, 2002
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n. scrotum
due to the folds of skin on the scrotum that resemble folds of gray matter
Friends television show, with a man going commando and "showing brain"
by BLADE April 28, 2004
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a deadite
like from evil dead
by BLADE March 26, 2003
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a person who was not worth being born, an asshole, a person who should have been a blow-job.
That jack-off owes me money.
by BLADE January 10, 2004
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