10 definitions by BBlanc

The same exact thing as Tea Bagging. The difference is that you can not remove your balls from that chicks mouth until the flavor has fully set in. This process takes a minimum of two minutes. If you remove that scrotum any sooner, then you have not steeped.
That chick didn't shut up all night. Only silence I had is when I started steeping. Got a full 5 minutes!
by BBlanc March 6, 2009
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Typically to at least a 1/4" by 5" line of cocaine or better.
After I followed that chick in to the bathroom, she floored me when she pulled out a System
by BBlanc March 6, 2009
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A man responsible for manipulating multiple pieces of turd into one designated area. Although typically in the port-o-potty field, this expert is not limited to just one zone of poo. A turd herder is a modest man, but a confident man. He can find your shit, extract it to a safe place and you will never even know he was there. Your shit is his bread and butter
Timmy the Turd Herder quit his old job at Safeway because he was tired of taking everyone else's shit.
by BBlanc March 6, 2009
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The derevitive of Meat Ball and Douche Bag. In simple terms, it's everything that you don't want to be. Can be brought in to simplified terms... I.E. Shmeat.
That fucking Douche Meat scared every single girl away with those nasty farts last night.
by BBlanc March 6, 2009
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Typically known as a Sportster. It's a vehicle NOT meant for men. It is the equivelant of a Geo Tracker. If you were to ride a cunt bike alone, then other people would wonder why you didn't take the time to let your boyfriend ride bitch, so he wouldn't have to take the bus to the Gay Bar that he works at. See also, Ninja 250.
Jimmy dumped his cunt bike while his boyfriend was giving him a handjob.
by BBlanc March 6, 2009
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An alcholic beverage consisting of 3 or more shots in a 16 ounce glass. Must in be done in repetition until you are unable to drink anymore. You will achieve tasting when you have blacked out and pissed all of your friends and girlfriend off. Possible results are including, but limited to, arrest, cheating, fights, money lost in casinos, and STDs.
After a few tastes last nite, I woke up in Clark County Jail.
by BBlanc March 6, 2009
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A man who stands ankle deep in brutal concrete while charging you astronomical amounts of money for his services. You will spot him easily at your local pub by what appears to be dried birdshit on his shirt. Fear not, it is not bird shit, it is the fruits of his labor. When your specialist leaves, his only guarantee is that concrete gets hard and it will crack.
My Mud Maggot buddy Walter poured only three floors today and made five grand.
by BBlanc March 6, 2009
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