16 definitions by BAH

Hustler is ngz, he has no home.
by BAH January 28, 2003
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Mongie, bandit of the ass, gobbler of the cock.
80 year old =(_)_)======D (_0_) = Mongie
by BAH January 21, 2004
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Shaped like a flashlight, but you have sex with it. Made for male masturbation.
I used my fleshlight last night. It felt great.
by BAH August 12, 2004
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a clean, unused plate
can you pass me that sunbeam?
by BAH January 2, 2005
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a whiny person who can't stop complaining about the stupidest things!
OMG who called teh g'fish gay? I know it was one of you! And more importantly what is badder than hell?
by BAH February 3, 2004
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So many kinds where can we start...
we like them dumb and we like them smart.I like the ones with the pretty eyes. Well i like all kinds of guys. STOP, what happened? How about the ones we especially like. Which ones? You know the ones with the cars that go. I hear ya. Hit it. It was me and the possy with bunny d. We were cruizn in the jags or the lamberginies. When low in behold there apeard a morrage. He was hookin up a car in his daddys garage.We stoped short did a double take.He was lookin so fine i thought i wasnt awake.He was obviously hooking up face i asume. But then he turned the little button AND THE CAR WENT BOOM! We like them short and we like them tall. We like them one and we like them all.THey're always adding speakers when they find the room. As they know we love the guys with the cars that go BOOM. And see my boufriend really knows where its at. Hes got 50 inch wolfers all along the back.He makes a car man. Im going to my room. But id rather say OWW WITH HIS CAR THAT GOES BOOM!
We like the cars, the cars that go boom. We're tigre and bunny and we like the boom.We like the cars, the cars that go boom. We're tigre and bunny and we like the boom.
by BAH August 9, 2003
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Its french for, you got schooned my friend.
#des When amongst fellow peers, and someone wins greatly, the term "idespwnjoo" should appear.
by BAH July 29, 2004
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