6 definitions by Allah the Great and Powerful

A group of well trained thot hunters who keep the world safe from thots. They have a base somewhere in every city where the group captures and interrogate thots to find out information about their leader, Thot Kardashian. The thot patrol will eradicate all thots and restore balance to the world
Mary: Yo how many guys did you sleep with last night
Sharqueeshwajingho: 84
Emperor Tiber Septim: This is the Thot patrol. Mary and Long Black name, you have been found guilty of thotting now face your doom
Both proceed to be vaporized by ETS's eye lasers.
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The unfocused and confusing language that ghetto black people speak in. Uses words such as: Fo, Ur, Y, Fizzy pop, Nigga, Wheels, Shit man I've been shot in the chest, Dat, Heer, Cap, Ice, other black people words.
Whitey 1: Look at those two imbeciles speaking niggish over there
Darkie 1: Hey o my Nigga did yo heer dat Ben was arrested last night
Darkie 2: Ye Nigga I herd dat he shot sum hooker in the ass
Darkie 3: Ooga Booga
Darkie 1: Shut da fuk up Nigga
Darkie 3 proceeds to shoot himself
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The filthy sand niggers that blow themselves up because they don't have brains, they also fuck camels.
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A description word used to describe pineapple pizza

Another word for a thot

Synonyms: Oregon, Timbuktu, Allah's green and black pancreas

Antonyms: Mickey Mouse, Carthage, Hannibals yellow and pink testes

Use in a sentence: Hiroshima
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