When u have a little bit of an issue with your brain. Many people have some zheimers. Eventually a person may acquire so many zheimers that it is said that they have Alzheimers.
Me: Ben has all of the zheimers.

Juana: That is called Alzheimers.
by scottypimpin123 February 22, 2020
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When the AI (artificial intelligence) in your phone starts to forget things.
"Siri, call my mom."
"Who? I'm sorry - what? I don't think I know the number..."
"Oh my God, are you getting AI-zheimers or what?"
by smendler June 17, 2016
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a faux medical disorder causing the appearance of dementia: an apparent degenerative disorder, real or imagined, that affects the recall and thinking and seems to know no age at which it occurs.
Ah, ... I just had a part-zheimer's event, not alzheimer's, just part...
by Jeokar March 17, 2011
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medical disorder causing the appearance of dementia: an apparent degenerative disorder, real or imagined, that affects the recall and thinking and seems to know no age at which it occurs.
Ah, ... I just had a part-zheimer's event, not alzheimer's, just part...
by Jeokar March 7, 2011
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