Epic battle between foes to out-do each other with irritating and annoying youtube clips. Usually played via PM / IM in a tit-for-tat fashion accompanied by gratuitous smacktalk.
Excerpt of a youtube battle;
dood 1: "i counter ur Rick Astley with Abba!"
dood 2: "AIIIIIEEEE!!1"
dood 1: "I WIN TEH JEWTOOB BATTLE!11! lolpwnz0rd"
by eltopo January 10, 2008
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Epic battle between foes to out-do each other with irritating and annoying youtube clips. Usually played via PM / IM in a tit-for-tat fashion accompanied by gratuitous smacktalk.

See: MediaWars.com

Excerpt of a youtube battle;
dood 1: "i counter ur Rick Astley with Abba!"
dood 2: "AIIIIIEEEE!!1"
dood 1: "I WIN TEH JEWTOOB BATTLE!11! lolpwnz0rd"
any youtube video Vs. another is a youtube battle
by homad May 12, 2009
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A channel that used to stream YouTube sub counts 24/7. Also the community is filled with toxic or attention seeking kids,
The channel now streams on a alt account called pwnyy.

In the stream there's a currency called Points. Every kid in the community wants to get number one spot so YouTube Battles thinks that he/she will be a great mod.

The channel used to be partnered with Subscriber Wars but ended in October due to toxicity between the two communities.
Jimmy: Hey Billy! Wanna watch YouTube Battles?
Billy: Yes! I will reach 1st in Points and get mod to time out every person that says the f word!
by human with brain February 11, 2020
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A very positive community tracking statistic trends with a fun community!
Jeff: Hey Tim, what should I watch on Youtube?
Tim: you should definitely watch Youtube Battles!
by LDCP June 3, 2020
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