When you are not wanting to do something,but your friend agrees to do it. So both of you do it
Bro I can't pee in teacher's coffee. But if you do it, I'll do it
by Artific1al November 8, 2023
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Some idiot thing Bri'ish PM Rishi Sunak said to a homeless man in December 2022. It is frightening how detached Rishi the ignorant idiot is from the real world
by Deadboydoor517 April 3, 2023
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You cant.
(dude 1); Bro my girl is soo confusing.
(dude 2); That's not gonna change homie.
(dude 1); How Do You Understand Women???
(dude 2); You cant.
by TheSemiWiseChild February 16, 2022
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A pick up line used in dms to get a girl to respond instantly by saying no. Know one knows who he is thus making it full proof.
slides in dm's*

"Hey do you know Xander Alvarez?"

"um no?"

"sick me neither I'm Bret what's up"
by JaxsonOG45 September 7, 2020
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girl 1: do you listen to Shabnam?
girl 2: no?
*a few hours later* listens to Shabnam on Spotify, and has merch and became a fan.
girl 1: AAAAAAA you came out!
by thecharacterwannie August 28, 2023
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A phrase that is when you think someone is stupid and is not qualified for their job and you could do that something better and you already know what
Guy1: i just watched the movie aladdin i think its a good childrens movie that doesnt have a deep message
Guy2: well i watched it and its clearly critical of how poverty and the lower class are treated in egypt I should do what you do, And you should clean my balls
by Hugeballguy June 1, 2024
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