completely within control; steerable; many inhibitions; reasonable behavior
she went through a breakup and in the aftermath, she stayed totally wheels on and got right back to her normal routine with little fuss.
by wheelsofflady November 4, 2020
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Someone who accidentally dials 911 while trying to dial outbound after the office phone system was updated to no longer need to dial 9. Wheels will proceed to hang up on the 911 operator and ignore them calling back thinking it will fix the situation.
I heard Wheels had an interesting meeting yesterday.
by Gabby89 January 22, 2020
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The expression said by your teammates indicating you should hold onto the puck and continue skating around the net, this helps when you don't have time to check your blind side or under pressure from a pursuing opponent.
wheel wheel wheel, says Patty Dangles teammates as he stickhandles around the net with the other team chasing him.
by pattydangles January 11, 2012
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When one girl stands in a circle of five men and gives two men handjobs, one man a blowjob,takes it anal from another guy,and in the front fron another,it should form a cicle if the dicks are big enough and in the correct position.
Me and my buddies gave that chick last night the wheel.
by Dezi Fingerman February 21, 2009
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To Wheel (Verb)- Being able to attain the affection of an attractive female through one's smooth words, suave interaction, and or good looks. A guy who "wheels" is one who can easily pick up chicks. One who is not good at getting girls is referred to as "having no wheels."
"I don't know how he does it, but Ben wheels so many girls."

"Did you see Jacob last night? He was wheeling that one hot chick so hard."

"I feel bad for Josh, he has no wheels."
by Domdabeast January 21, 2013
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1.wheeling is when a guy or a girl is trying to get with the opposite sex.

2.wheeling is also a drive by cock block it makes both the guy and the girl very uncomfortable.

wheeling is manly use by rich white kids in the suburbs of Cleveland Ohio.Any other kid who spends to much time with rich kids in the suburbs find it very hard to not use the word.even tho they hate it.
look at Quagmire wheeling that freshman over there got damn he got wheels that never stop spinning

2. Ex
Bob- Stacy hows it going.

Stacy-Its going good.

Bob- So what are you doing this weekend?

Cock Blocker- WHEELS.

Stacy- got to go see you later.

Bob- FUCK.
by LancersofOhio December 10, 2009
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