A British "company" that sells Windows 12 Lite (rebranded linux lite) and rebranded routers with appearently no sensorship.
webhouses: hey look at windos twelv and our rebranded routers with no sensorship!!!!!!111!!1
michael MJD: "sensorship"??? you fucking retard, this has to be added to the dictionary
by MindLockAERO March 21, 2021
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A "company" that has a 4G subscription without "sensorship" and sells "Windows 12 Lite", a modified version of Linux Lite.
Webhouses Boss: What should we sell?
Webhouses Employee 1: A 4G subscription that doesn't have sensorship!
Webhouses Employee 2: A "rebrand" of Linux Lite!
Webhouses Boss: Perfect!
by Not a Webhouses employee March 1, 2021
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