Indigenous to Singaporeans, this term is used to describe randomness of the highest order.
Damn, check that biyatch out! She be damn vyara.
by randomama April 13, 2005
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She is sexy. In Bulgarian real translate her name is,,faith”,,believe” or have hope in anything. She is very smart and intelligent people. He will help to person who hate her or is bad to her. She is perfect girlfriend.She is nice personality.
Someone: I hate you
Vyara: I don’t. I don’t hate anything.
by Go6o November 21, 2021
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Vyara is a beautiful woman. Whenever she walks down the streets every guy and girl startes at her glorious beauty. However Vyara has some dark sides. You will never find out about them until you get ti know her. Whenever Vyara js doing something she focus on herself not on others.
Person 1: Oh my god who is that?
Person 2: Oh thats just Vyara she is the most beautiful in town!
by Rysx0 November 20, 2021
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