A middle-aged woman ranging from the ages of mid 20's to 40's. Feels entitled at any moment to brag that her daughter is the best. Speeds 25 mph over and buys Starbucks every other hour. Schedules team bondings every week and demands her daughter has playing time. Tries to befriend the coach and manage everything. No matter what she does her daughter is still unhappy.
"At the tournament I saw so many Volleyball moms it hurt"
by RatLover27 August 14, 2021
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Ladies who think their daughter is always the best, and spoil their children rotten. They smile in your face but talk about your daughter if they take their kids place on the court . Team moms are usually the worst one of the clique
Omg that volleyball mom is doing too much like always
by BriLynnjae March 23, 2017
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