In grammar, the uberlative of an adjective or adverb is in the greatest form of the adjective or adverb, and is way stronger than superlative (contrary to what you might have learned in school). Only to be used on special occasions.
Teacher: Did anyone watch the new Harry Potter movie, kids?
Student: It's the mostest stupidest.
Teacher: What did I tell you about using uberlatives in class...
by horseduck.mpeg November 19, 2010
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An uberlance is an uber one orders for medical reasons, because an actual ambulance is too expensive, quicker than an actual ambulance, or transports them in a medical almost emergency.
The hill was so steep, I called an uberlance to avoid dying.

The bleeding was so bad I called an uberlance to get me to the emergency room
My gawd the ambulance is taking too long, let's call an uberlance.
by missemjay October 5, 2021
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Is when you are too late to take normal modes of transportation and need to use a Rideshare company
I am too late for the bus I am Uberlate
by Ka7qqv April 4, 2018
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