The practices and doctrines of a religious belief which pretend to be biblical Christians but in reality just twist everything the Bible teaches to conform to their own beliefs.
The Bible says that human beings were created in His image. Mormonism says this means He has a penis and testicles. This isn't Christianity, it's Twistianity.
by Joseph Smith Johnson August 15, 2011
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Twistian (twis'chen) n. One who manipulates Christianity to justify un-Christian personal, political or cultural biases.
Twistians on the left use scripture to exalt women and Twistians on the right use scripture to demean them, but Gal. 3:28 says there is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female - we are all one in Christ.
by strongbadstrongbad September 30, 2018
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