what Donald Trump supporters do to avoid confronting the statements he made.
"Donald Trump should not be president because he wants to but a complete and total shutdown on muslims entering the US"
"noooo, that's just being practical, he wants to stop people from high terrorist countries"
"his words were literally, 'total and complete shutdown' your trumpnastics are impressive though"
by Trumplover69 August 9, 2016
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a technique performed by Donald Trump supporters to get around the insane/racist/bigoted things that he says.
"Donald Trump wants to kill innocent people in the middle east!"
"No, he just said we will take out terrorists and sometimes in war innocent people die."
"Nice, Trumpnastic. What he actually said was 'we have to take out their families'."

"Donald Trump wants to wants to ban any muslim from entering the U.S."
"No, he just wants to perform background checks on refugees."
"Nice Trumpnastic, his words were "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the U.S."
by Trumplover69 August 9, 2016
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