A sexual position, often used by prostitutes of either gender that don't want to be penetrated, but most commonly by pre-op transsexuals, that involves the john rubbing his cock between either the thighs or less frequently, the butt cheeks of the working girl or guy, until orgasm.

Similar to tit fucking. Mostly used in Australia.
Man, that hooker over there's expensive, but she sells trick sex cheap!
by Oz-Liz March 31, 2006
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Sex so dirty and nasty that anything goes, and when its all said and done you feel like a used trick.
girl 1: How'd your date go last night?
girl 2: too good, we had dirty nasty trick sex.
girl 1: So you're too embarassed to see him again?
girl 2: Hell no, hes coming back over tonight.
by Daddy Fatsacks September 23, 2008
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