a dance that includes closing your fist, but leaving your point fingers sticking out in a pointing fashion and swaying your hips while making a "S" shape with your pointer fingers.
Drew, you do the osaze soo good!
by pharmacy man January 4, 2012
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The word "osazing" is a mix between ostrich, and amazing. If you look up "ostriches" on a search engine, you will fine many facts about them. Amazing facts. Incredible facts. If you want to identify something as amazing, or incredible, the term you could use to stump your friends would be "osazing".
"Those new shoes are OSAZING!"
"Im having an osazing day!"
"I got an A+! That's osazing!"
by m@riaahh! November 29, 2007
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Guy who is super crazy,
loves eating oreos,
enjoys having his booty smacked,
high pitched cackling,
constipated voice,
dread shaking.
Emily: Ay girl, look at that Osaze over there.
WS: *sighs* He's soooo hot.
Emily: ......
WS: I'd looooove to smack his buttttttt.
Emily: ...Have fun...
by QueeeeeenA April 19, 2011
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THA BADDEST. but on a serious note Osaze is a very nice and understanding and accepting. Osaze is very funny he can make everybody laugh sometimes the jokes may be offensive or too far but just know he didn’t mean any harm. He also will never everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr put energy into someone that puts no energy into him. If he feels like he’s getting treated badly he will treat you worse. Osaze is the best at getting even with people if he’s been wronged and he will do the most pettiest things jus to upset you. Osaze is a great friend he will always stand up for his friends, tell them the truth (whether it’s good or bad) and always can cheer them up. Although it will take some time to get Osaze to trust you. When he does y’all are besties FOREVAAAAAA.
Ed-“have you talked to Osaze today?”
Jack-“yes he told me to die because I support trump
by Rubberduck333 November 22, 2021
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