/klout 'CHāsər/ noun: a person who strategically associates themselves with the success of a popular person or a currently contemporary trend to gain fame an attention. This personality disorder is often resembled as, "riding the wave" without concern for damage or integrity. - Uncle Snoop
Celina Powell, Offset's alleged baby momma, was a clout chaser because she lied about being pregnant with Offset's baby for 9 months. She presented falsified evidence, went on social media and claimed the reports were true. She's a clout chaser because she did all that for 15 minutes of fame. Now no one even gives her the time of day 🤷🏾 ♂️
by UndrCovrBrthr13 July 17, 2018
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A person who tries to feed off others popularity to benefit themselves.
When he or she acts like someone important when their really not.. and being around certain people because of they popularity .. once the Fame is gone so are they.. he or she was just being a clout chaser
by Amy smith18 July 11, 2018
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A person who does everything a popular person or a trendy person does Just to fit in
He can’t do anything original he’s a clout chaser
by Heidi fj September 21, 2019
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A person who hangs out or talks to someone because of how popular they are.
by IamJew March 24, 2017
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A person who dates, talks about, or hangs around one who is very popular just to make them look better. These people typically have no life and want to look cool by others.
Emily doesn’t even like Brad, she just dates him because he’s on the basketball team and makes her look better. He’s actually not her type, he’s corny, ugly, and has no swag. Ugh She’s such a clout chaser.
by LegitLife23 June 27, 2018
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A person that only hangs with certain people or starts beef with people to gain popularity
Don't mess with him, he a clout chaser"
by Jenko41 November 20, 2016
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Only wants to fit in with upperclassmen to gain popularity. As one will only hang out, date or talk to a “popular” person just to get recognition.
Amy: Omg did you know that Sarah is only dating John because he’s the most popular guy in school.

Gabby: Omg she’s such a Clout Chaser
by savc.c March 2, 2019
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