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Hey Robs pullin "The Dan Andrews" again

Hey mate answer the question i don't have time for all this "Dan Andrews" garbage.
by VictoriaMelbourne1 September 26, 2020
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To pop off early or jump the gun. It refers to when Dan Andrews tweeted “Zero” when Victoria recorded zero covid cases after a lockdown, then the 3 days after recording 7, 6 and 29 cases in a row, subsequently entering another lockdown.
Alex: Did you hear about Luke? He finally banged Ash!

Brayden: Yeah but he did a Dan Andrews, he prematurely ejaculated.
by Chookies August 7, 2021
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Didn't take advice from anyone went there own way then proceeded to complete and utterly screw up and screw everyone over
See Terry shut down the whole town?

Yeah he really did a "Dan andrews" on that electrical board.
by M00seknuckl3 September 9, 2020
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A person who hold no value and is completely Un-Australian
Don't be a Dan Andrews
by Lozzarene September 10, 2021
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1. (noun) A Labor Party idiot/Victorian Premier/lockdown-lover/puppeteer of Albo (Anthony Albanese, the dickhead Prime Minister). See dickhead.
2. (verb) To fall down the stairs whilst blind drunk and listening to the song "Get on the Beers" by Mashd & Kutcher, which features clips of one of Dan Andrews' press conferences. Dictator Dan (Daniel Andrews) did this whilst Premier.
by MinecraftBloke123 June 16, 2023
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