the best account on tiktok ever to exist they might even be even swaggier than @ 0ff1c1al.s1mp 😼😼
if you see their tiktok immediately become mutuals with them because they are so cool.👺
“OMG tedsmother on tiktok is so much coller than me!”
“OBVIOUSLY!! tedsmother is cooler than everyone! everyone knows that😤”
by th3.0n3.4nd.0nly September 10, 2021
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Tedsmother is a very cool tiktoker who is also teds biological mother
Tedsmother said to ted "would you rather have unlimited bacon, but no games. OR unlimited games, but no games"
by Theseus Lma0 September 10, 2021
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this one person on tiktok who put their foot in a toilet.


*tedsmother puts their foot in a toilet*

me: “ wth. why did you do this?? just why.😭”
by th3.0n3.4nd.0nly September 11, 2021
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