When a female cannot afford to pay the fee of the taxi, she is eligible to fuck the driver untill the fee is payed off, instead of paying or getting arrested
Driver: that will be 70.65$

Woman: oh man. I don't have that much. Is there any way I can pay you?

Driver: some taxi Pussy will be acceptable
by zxkillaxxx November 25, 2013
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Girl with wheels, usually older than you, who picks you up and drops you off in exchange for sex. Possibly, but not necessarily, your boo.
Example 1:

Employee: "Hey boss, I would love to stay and talk about this project a little longer, but my pussy taxi is here".


Example 2:

Guy1: "Stuck at dinner with the 'rents - so can't pick you up at the airport like I said I would."
Guy2: "No worries. I'm dial my pussy taxi."
by MakeItStopItHurts September 10, 2010
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