Being Taxed-out is when a person or people living in a home are no longer able to afford to live there because of high taxes. This happens oftentimes to elderly and retired people. Getting Taxed-out also happens with the loss of a job, or if the high income earner of the family becomes disabled or deceased.
1. Sometimes communities with high taxes cause home owners to be Taxed-out of their homes.

2. Even hardworking thoughtful people can get Taxed-out of their homes if their income drops.

3. You think you own a home until the tax bill shows up and you realize you have been Taxed-out of your home. Literally the tax man took your house!
by IronMikey March 18, 2023
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Burdened, to the point of exhaustion

Shortened from "taxed out of existence"
My boss kept me late every night this week, and I'm feeling a bit taxed out.
by GargantuWife May 17, 2016
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