Tango Alpha Whiskey - It means Typical Army Wife. This phrase is derived using the N.A.T.O. phonetic alphabet (Military Alphabet). By using the first letter of each word and converting that to the Military Alphabet you get the phrase Tango Alpha Whiskey.

T = Tango
A = Alpha
W = Whiskey
Wife of Solider uses husband's Military discount at a store, " Wow your being a real Tango Alpha Whiskey today lol".
by P1235711 October 19, 2013
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An abstract spoken method to point out the presence of white trash to friends while still remaining unoffensive. Based on the NATO code for the letters W and T.
Holy crap Laird, that girl is so whiskey tango!
by stale February 25, 2003
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White Trash, said using the phonetic alphabet "Whiskey Tango"
There was a whole crowd of Whiskey Tango on the Jerry Springer show.
by TerryMcg September 12, 2005
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Code for white trash. Using the military pheonetic alphabet, whiskey for w and tango for t. This same principle can be used for a multitude of other common phrases.
Look, she is smoking a 300mm cigarrette and used 2 cans of hair spray. whiskey tango, over.
by leadthrower August 24, 2006
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Military call sign for the letters W T, short for white trash. Can be used to communicate secretly even in the presence of white trash. Obviously more popular as slang within the military community. Credit to Chico from the Peleliu.
Whiskey tango, three o'clock.
Interpretation: Look at the white trash to your right side.
by hotbuddha October 15, 2005
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a phrase meaning white trash, like a hill billy.
Q: Matt, why are you drinking in the middle of the day, and why are you wearing a trucker hat?

Matt: cuz...

Q: Dude, you are so whiskey tango.

Also, a well known phrase about hillbillies can be modified like so-

You can take the billy out of the hill, but you cant take the hill out of the billy, yields:

You can take the whiskey out of the tango, but you cant take the tango out of the whisky.
by matttttt March 28, 2007
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