syrup summary

A definition or summary of something in the most agreeable terms possible, omitting the nuances of ideology or the specifics of policy.
syrup summary of libertarianism: "we like freedom."

syrup summary of democrats: "we dislike inequality."

syrup summary of republicans: "we like America."

syrup summary of feminism: "we want equality for women."

syrup summary of white supremacists: "we like white culture."

syrup summary of Bush-era foreign policy: "we don't like terrorists."

syrup summary of MADD: "we don't like drunk driving accidents."

syrup summary of NRA: "we like freedom and safety."

syrup summary of PETA: "we oppose animal torture."
by PaleBlueYacht May 18, 2013
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Pot Summary

A summary of what happened when you got high smoking Marijuana.
Brian's pot summary involved 3 chickens, an office chair, and 12 hookers... his conclusion-it was a bad trip.
by Jeopard November 30, 2010
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Summari sisters

Omg you fucked Jason? That makes us summari sisters
by Howyagoin June 13, 2020
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A way to tell what happened in a few sentences or more.
My summary of what happened in "The Big Bad Wolf" was sooo ling
by gold0702guy November 6, 2023
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