Someone who chooses to major in Electrical Engineering.
Did you hear? Brian got into UCLA!
Oh wow that´s awesome, what´s his major?

Electrical Engineering, I think.
Oh... he´s going to UCLA to be an Electrical Engineer of all things? What a waste.
I know, what a stupid idiot virgin nerd.
by bean_bomb May 10, 2022
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Top tier in the hierarchy of insults, 'stupid idiot cunt fuck' may be used as an exclamation and adjective towards persons who should have been swallowed as spermatozoa.
"You stupid idiot cunt fuck!" exclaimed Glenn.
by gilksy June 1, 2024
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When you're so dumb you get killed by a cute rat and you are a very dumb idiot and you have 0 IQ and you fard.
This is a stupid dumb idiot, and you 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
by DiarrheaFart May 25, 2022
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