Srijeet (or srijite) is an Indian boy, who has a massive, 9 zip bag where he stores his children.
Srijeet has a 9 zip bag.
by Welovesrijeet November 22, 2019
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Srijeet or Srjite is a very sexy indian with a big black 9 zip bag . You would normally find srijeet with last years school shoes from the charity shop . Srijeet is also very attractive so guys watch out . He also had a bike that gotta stolen
Lola: ‘Look at that kids bag it’s got 9 zips

Lola: ‘Dammnnn he’s penggg👀’
by ralphlauren69420 December 7, 2019
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He has a record breaking 20 feet pp
Jackson: Yo did you see Srijeet
Anais: Yeah, I even saw his 20 feet pp
by Joe Bidones May 17, 2023
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