Not knowing where to go, but just going. Not knowing what to do, but just doing it. When something out of the blue just happens and there is no other way to explain it. It is a way of life. Instead of wasting time on 'what ifs' and 'should've, could've' and would've' just do it.
Person 1: "Where we going?"
Person 2: "No Idea"
Person 1:"Spontanuous Moment"

Person 1:"Wow, can't believe we just saw a tornado go by"
Person 2:"So Spontanuous"
by TheQuestionMark October 29, 2011
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1. A portmanteau of the words "spontaneous" and "anus", it's a term used to describe shitting your pants suddenly and without warning.
"Please stand back, I just ate a hot mayonnaise sandwich and it might get spontanus up in here."
by billebllunt February 13, 2014
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its when your ass, spontaniously bursts into fire
Person 1: Oh no my ass just burst into fire for no reason at all.
Person 2:Why Thats Spontanus Combustion.

I Think I Just Spontanusly Combusted
by Tangavitch May 2, 2007
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