what cops use to pop the tires of escaping victims, it usually doesn't work because people jump out of their cars and hightail it into the woods
spike strips are pretty common in police chases
by PlayDohMan May 11, 2004
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When you simultaneously flat tire and try to put a finger in the butt hole of a friend walking ahead of you.
Matt: hey man, why are you walking funny?

Ben: I just got spike stripped.
by Emma021 July 21, 2018
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A long like of shit that has been dropped across the entire street in order to make on-coming vehicles spatter the shit all over there tires and fender, or have to stop and turn around.
Bob: "Dude, why were you late for Stacey's party last night?"

Joe: "Well, I was coming and making good time until some jerk-offs decided to pinch out a Jewish Spike Strip over Third Street and I had to take the long way!"
by whitepower21 July 23, 2009
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