Having a personal item or cash stolen by a certain "shady" individual while you are temporarily vacated from your premises

pronounced "snowv'd"
Hyman: What the fuck! I just left my room for 15 minutes to take a shit and now my macbook is gone.

Eigendude: Damn.. you got snoved hard.
by Jacky-Jack 329 February 22, 2010
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Snove is another word for: absolouty amzing, flawless, breathtaking, just perfect. One of the most amazing objects, or person you will ever meet.
Cool732: Will you go out with me?.. Your Just sooo, Snove!
Hot454: Aw yes i will!! Thats the greatest compliment i ever got!!!
by fdfsfsdfsdf November 29, 2007
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To be an extremely awesome or cool person. Typically someone who is blond.
Wow, that person was completely snove.
by Noahzz November 15, 2007
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The act of butt-munching.
Pete loves snoving. In fact, just moments ago he had the pleasure of enjoying last nights corn while snoving his lady-friend.
by MarcoPoloPingPong January 30, 2008
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