Smh is just short for "shake my head".
Example Yesterday's weather was hot then today the weather is cold snowing!! Smh.
by Crystal You March 11, 2017
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Acronym for "Scratching My Herpes". After typing out a long, misspelled, grammar-poor, and useless Facebook status update, Tweet, Instant Message, Etc., sometimes herpes tend to flare up, and as such they must be scratched.
OMG I just saw the best movie LOL the vampier totally fell in love with the girl from the bookstore but she alredy had a bf who was a wherewolf OMG I can't wait for the sequel but why does it have to take too years to make SMH
by TTH65 September 16, 2011
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Scratch my head
(You may have been misinformed that it has stood for “shake my head” but in reality, when have you ever shook your head? But scratch your head? I think yes).
How to:

Simply take your index finger and place it to your temple and lightly scratch it, while making a crooked duck face looking vaguely uncomfortable while tilting your head.
“Isn’t Noah your boyfriend?”

“Yeah, why?”
“He just dmed me”
by Fergie October 12, 2018
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Smh stands for "Shake my head". It also stands for "So Many Haters" with in that case it could stand for many things
Like OMG!!! Smh on my instagram.

Smh wtf am I looking at?
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Or some people might think of it as So Much Hair
by Too_Much_Sauce_Ight_ January 9, 2017
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