Typically a girl between the ages of 18-22 who carries fake designer bags, wears empire-waisted shirts, and generally wears fashion victim clothing bought from Wet Seal, Forever 21, American Eagle, Hollister, etc.
They are usually found stumbling around drunk after drinking minimal amounts of alcohol and acting like they're better than other people. If they get on a guest list at even the most un-exclusive of clubs, they think it's a big deal.
They are distinguished by their fake, slightly-nasally, wanna-be Paris Hilton "accents" and are often over-heard saying, "Ohmigod, Ohmigod" hence the name.
For example: "OMG,OMG. This like, Smirnoff Iiiiice? Is, like, the most fantastic drink evarrrr?"
They are usually found stumbling around drunk after drinking minimal amounts of alcohol and acting like they're better than other people. If they get on a guest list at even the most un-exclusive of clubs, they think it's a big deal.
They are distinguished by their fake, slightly-nasally, wanna-be Paris Hilton "accents" and are often over-heard saying, "Ohmigod, Ohmigod" hence the name.
For example: "OMG,OMG. This like, Smirnoff Iiiiice? Is, like, the most fantastic drink evarrrr?"
by Jenny Sais Quoi October 7, 2008
Typically a girl between the ages of 18-22 who carries fake designer bags, wears empire-waisted shirts, and generally wears fashion victim clothing bought from Wet Seal, Forever 21, American Eagle, Hollister, etc.
They are usually found stumbling around drunk after drinking minimal amounts of alcohol and acting like they're better than other people. If they get on a guest list at even the most un-exclusive of clubs, they think it's a big deal.
They are distinguished by their fake, slightly-nasally, wanna-be Paris Hilton "accents" and are often over-heard saying, "Ohmigod, Ohmigod" hence the name.
For example: "OMG,OMG. This like, Smirnoff Iiiiice? Is, like, the most fantastic drink evarrrr?"
They are usually found stumbling around drunk after drinking minimal amounts of alcohol and acting like they're better than other people. If they get on a guest list at even the most un-exclusive of clubs, they think it's a big deal.
They are distinguished by their fake, slightly-nasally, wanna-be Paris Hilton "accents" and are often over-heard saying, "Ohmigod, Ohmigod" hence the name.
For example: "OMG,OMG. This like, Smirnoff Iiiiice? Is, like, the most fantastic drink evarrrr?"
by Jenny Sais Quoi October 7, 2008
Its those annoying fuckers, and I know you know exactly who I'm talking about, that are all like "OMG I went to a Steve Lacy concert!!!" when nobody gives a fat, flying, fuck. Literally everything that comes out of their mouth or goes on social media is about where they or someone was, what they or someone was wearing, and who is friends with who. And I guarantee you... Nobody. Fucking. Cares. They are the most soulless, brain-dead bastards and also my main argument for another genocide. I could walk into an Afghan concubine and find more personality than an entire stadium of these mentally handicapped fatherless children.
Devin: "What the fuck is on Norah's story? All this girl Emily did was pour some water out of her hydroflask on to the floor."
Jay: "I know, they're just some retarded OMG Girls. They're all made like clones."
Jay: "I know, they're just some retarded OMG Girls. They're all made like clones."
by ImJustItalian2839 October 12, 2022