
A smen is the best mate a guy could have. The things that all smen enjoy are maths L4D and Community.
Smen 1: How does maths work
Smen 2: Like this *shows how the shit works*
Smen 1: Thanks smen
by Flippy911 May 26, 2012
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Some neek added me on Smen
by David Sonaike September 27, 2006
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i smened all over the girls face at the party!
by clay44 December 4, 2005
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What smens do you smoke?
Dunhill extra mild
by Zapeanut November 23, 2005
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When two men greet each other by feeling up or groping their bulges.
"Yeah man, Eric and I are so close that we Smen-Thrumpen."- Brandon said to Brian.

Brain replied in a shocked tone- "SMEN-THRUMPEN?! You mean you two grab on each other's dicks in greeting?!"

"Exactly that, we both grip and massage our junks. That's how I know he's MY ride-or-die."- Brandon replied in a smug tone, knowing that Brian would get jealous of his close relationship with Eric.
by Ppootteennttiiaall December 25, 2024
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