A group of people that cannot think for themselves, like a flock of sheep.
Bro 1: Dude, don't they have any ideas of their own?
Bro 2: Nah man, they're a bunch of sheeple; being informed isn't trendy.
by Judith Rose April 12, 2010
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Referring to a single individual or group (plural- Sheeples)who believe everything they are told by a religion, a government, or the mass media to be truthful,factual and absolute. A Sheeple fails to question a persons or entities authenticity, authority and or motive. On the political spectrum, sheeples may resemble the Democratic liberal party in the USA in believing that Barrack Hussein Obama is a man of character. Sheeples of the conservative Republican party feign John McCain as a reform candidate for the Presidency. Extreme followers of faith whose actions are deemed acceptable when done in the name of a God are sheeples. Hitler had sheeples. Conspiracy theorists are of the tennent that anyone who tells the truth about anything at all- from Roswell to 9-11 commissions are liars and sheeples. Sheeples want to be led. A sheeple is led. The strongest possibile expression to believe what is most compelling and popular. Sheeples may be brainwashed by tv, radio, newspapers, the government, religion, or God.
The collusion of the media has turned us into a bunch of sheeples who beleive everything that is reported is the unvarnished truth of the matters.

The New York Times and its readers are a bunch of sheeples in believing that the newspaper isn't prejudiced in its content and reporting of news.

Look at all the sheeples at those political rallies.

You are a bunch of sheeples if you really believe we are ever going to see a dime of that $700 billion bailout come back to the taxpayers.

All the sheeples have been abducted by someone or something.

I count sheeples when I go to sleep.

by achranum October 16, 2008
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A word conspiracy theorists use when they lose a debate.
Person1: *Debunking the CT's claims*

Conspiracy theorist: Shut up you dumb sheeple.
by sheeple432 September 1, 2011
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People who blindly follow others and go with the majority and hate the people who don’t conform with everyone else
I don’t wear a mask everywhere I go because I am not a sheeple
by TT2020 September 15, 2020
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A term used by arrogant twats to elicit an angered response from those they are referring to. It makes them feel superior to be one of the few truly "in the know".
It suggests that the peope being referred somehow have less education o a particular subject, follow only mainstream media, and are gullible. This of course is often a completely unsubstantiated claim.
1990's - You're fools! Global Warming will kill us all, but you're too busy consuming and polluting listening to whatever the news will tell you. ENJOY YOUR LIES SHEEPLE!

same person later

2000's - You're fools! There's no such thing as Global Warming! You're too busy listening to Al Gore and whatever these so called "green" companies say not realizing they're just after your money! ENJOY YOUR LIES SHEEPLE!
by nanomousy October 15, 2009
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Two words combined in a desperate attempt to sound clever, most often thrown around by people who fit the definition of the very thing they're railing against.
I know the TRUTH! The Government is run by evil international reptilian Zionist aliens from planet X! Listen to <insert right-wing nutjob demagogue's name here>! He speaks the truth! Don't think so? HA! Clearly you're all a bunch of sheeple!
by Nihilord July 6, 2010
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An individual following blindly, ignoring the real consequences of their actions, or beliefs.
The Sheepl will continue to follow blindly, ignoring the true consequences to their actions.
by rt clark December 2, 2007
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