Deriving from the slang word "shiz niz"(better than average). Shaz Naz is the location form of the word. Shaz Naz is used to describe a super cool place (usually with embellishment or sarcasm).
That party was cool but I got to hip hop outa that shaz naz cause my parents want me home by 10pm.
by OMG_Butters June 21, 2010
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\Sh-a-zz\ my \N-a-zZ\
1. The act of "Shazzing ones naz". In other words to irritate someone beyond control.

"He really shazzed my naz last night when he used my toothbrush without asking"

2. Vulgar/Slang
Used like the words crap, shoot, dang, etc.

Man drops chicken wing on girl and exclaims, "SHAZ MY NAZ!"
"Billy really Shazzed my Naz yesterday when he took all my sharpened pencils."

"Ah shaz my naz, I did not mean to spill wine on your white shirt"

Man stubs his toe on a date "shaz my naz!"
by shazzynazzy April 30, 2012
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