A state of euphoria achieved after learning about an awesome scientific fact, idea, principle, or theory.
Dude, reading that book totally gave me a science boner
by arrogant-bastard March 25, 2016
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When an individual, often researchers and scientists themselves, gets very excited about or amazed at a scientific fact, new discovery, unexplained event or new theory.

Person 1: did you hear about the discovery of Promachoteuthis Sulcus? I have a total science boner about it

person 2: yeah man I heard they've only ever found one

Person 1: dude it's awesome it's a squid with teeth like structures

Person 2: wow dude this could change the world of squid research
by OrganisedMishap April 3, 2016
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When you get very excited about some science fact; whether hear or talk about what you know in such subject.
Dude, I had a science boner watching Brian Greene and the explanation of gravitational waves on TV!
by Aruoliveira March 4, 2016
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