Described as vast and ever expanding, the word schmevulon encompasses all earthly and spiritual beings. Schmevulon is a way of life; accepting the inevitability of ourselves having no control of the universe, and going about our daily lives not focused on the bleak future.
just be chill... the schmevulon consumes bro
by Declan C. January 21, 2019
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The endless void of existence; can be used to describe the eternal entity of our universe and it's all-encompassing meaning
The schmevulon consumes!!
by Declan C. January 21, 2019
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Schmevulon is the one true aspect of existence, where all else is extraneous. It encompasses all, it represents all, it is all. Not bound by time, not bound by the entity, not even bound by bounds.
Woah, that's really schmevulon
by DuddyC January 21, 2019
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