1. A cold-blooded street fight consisting of aquatic vertebrates of the superclass Pisces.
2. Owned!
1. A rumble fish broke out at Zanzibar.
2. He got rumble fished!
by G Okai March 6, 2005
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1. A cold-blooded gang fight consisting of aquatic vertebrates of the superclass Pisces.
2. Owned!
1. There was a rumble fish going on at Zanzibar.
2. Holy shit! That guy got rumble fished!
by G March 6, 2005
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1. noun
n. a nick name for a beloved shepherd in a frisky mood

2. adjective
adj. how you feel after having consumed parts of a spiny lobster at dinner when said parts, owing to the bad oysters at lunch, come raging simultaneously through your nostrils, and out yer ass
n., e.g., "Who's a horky rumble fish?!"

adj., e.g., "Whoa there, not even the lemon fanta could help after seven hours of horking and shitting that goddamn crustacean. Who would put a radiator next to a toilet, when there was even the most remote possibility of horky rumble fish ignominy?
by Hork Meister December 8, 2011
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