Rosemae is a smart and kind person who love the world they live in even if the the odds are against them they'll always persevere. They don't like to trouble other with themselves but they will state their opinion loud if needed. They're like a rose, beautiful and lovely to be around, but cling to them and you'll feel their thorns. As kind as they maybe they don't show mercy easily if you cross them more then once. And always remember, if you are lucky enough to gain her trust, she will be loyal to you until the day you slip up.
"I'm going to ask Rosemae to the dance, she's so perfect."
"Don't bother, Dylan already tried asking her but she said she was going with her friends, you know how loyal Rosemae can be."
by Vanessa Landcaster February 5, 2018
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The most special girl in the world. She’s the prettiest girl anyone has ever seen. She is an avid cat lover and sleeps all day. She is the kindest person you know and your best friend. She is extremely funny and has a great sense of humor, and she always keeps a smile on your face. She has an uplifting personality and is someone you always want around you. She is extremely smart and is a very hard worker. Once you meet a Rosema you will never want any other girl in your life. Rosema is extremely sexy as well as adorable and clingy.
Person 1: Yeah I’m taking Rosema up north salmon fishing all weekend next October I’m so excited

Person 2: dude that’s awesome

Person 1: I know! I love her more than life fr
by SkylineSoccer October 10, 2023
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Rosema is unique in every way. She is a loyal person and the best friend to have by your side when you need to get things done, change the world or get out of trouble. She doesn’t trust easily and why should she, you must earn her love and trust. She is very gentle and delicate like a rose but watch out for the thorns, they are there and they are sharp! She has courage and wisdom beyond her years She’s intelligent and driven and remember her name, because you’ll never know anyone like her!
by shubly November 24, 2021
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