A “vegan” who thinks there's something wrong with eating cooked food, and devotes themself to abstaining from cooked foods for an extended period of time. They may subscribe to a raw-food vegan diet for misguided health, spiritual, trendy, or other bullshit woo-woo reasons. Instead of pursuing a healthy and sustainable vegan diet that includes both raw and cooked foods, they choose to eat only an extremely limited diet (often just raw fruits), often leading to caloric deficiency, nutritional deficiencies, physical illness, insanity, hatred of vegans/veganism, and ultimately becoming a meatard (very often a zealous raw-meatard) and dying of a heart-attack, cancer, e-coli, or suicide.

Rawtards are very often narcissistic loons who spend months or even years promoting the “magic” of raw-food vegan diets on Youtube before the excessively restricted diet ultimately leads them to failing health, cravings, or they just get caught wearing leather shoes and exposed as “not a real vegan”, which pushes them to conspicuously shun veganism and enthusiastically embrace a daily blood-sacrifice of unnecessary animal exploitation. They typically go from “Look at me! Look at me! I'm a raw-food vegan! You should do what I do!”, to, “Look at me! Look at me! I eat dead animals' bodies! You should do what I do!”, usually with a very brief period of “apologising” to, and “asking for understanding” from the vegan community which they have betrayed and disgraced.
“You heard there's another vegan Youtuber who started eating raw meat?”
“Yeah, another fucking rawtard who almost starved herself to death. Now she thinks raw meat is healthier than a bean-burger.”
by XatomX March 17, 2019
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