A female German exchange student who is really cute. She has blonde hair green eyes and a wonderful round ass and rack. She also has pig tails. She wears clothing that is more stylish than the girls here. It includes a lot of boots and short skirts. Unfortunately....she queefs a lot. Meaning she farts out of her pussy. She is, and all German girls who do this can be reffered to as Queefmeisters. It's somewhat a German word.
Kind of a bastardation. (that's meant to be ironic)
by Yobastabker November 5, 2004
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One who gapes pussy and leaves it with a big hollow cavity for which then air then fills and when the pussy is squeezed a loud queefing noise is made.
Johnny fucked Jenny in her pussy with his huge cock and got nicknamed the queefmeister because of the loud queefing noises Jenny's pussy made for several days after they fucked.
by Shakespeare2000 April 6, 2018
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