‘Pulling a Ruby’ refers to an individual getting way too drunk and becoming a mess within the first hour or so of an event.
Oh dude, you should’ve seen her pulling a ruby- she was such a mess! I had to take care of her all night.
by August Pond March 19, 2018
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-When one simply does not give a fuck.
Mike: “I was sitting in traffic last night and didn’t want to wait anymore so I didn’t give a fuck and ended up “Pulling a Ruby“ and drove over the medium”

Danielle: “Cop pulled me over for running a red light. I told him I was “Pulling a Ruby”

Cosmo: “I wanted to hit the juul in mass and thought I might get in trouble. But then I just thought fuck it “I’m Pulling a Ruby”
by Hooches63987 November 5, 2019
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Always being late and then laughing about it.
“She literally pulled a rubi today…. She needs to work on it”
by raveba November 8, 2021
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