Puhoko means father of all nations, A puhoko is a very close book person . He doesn’t open up easily . Likes to make people think he’s not emotional and heartless but deep down he’s soft like a cotton . If you get him to open up to you , you’re lucky because he doesn’t usually open up . He likes to be there for his friends , family and close ones. He does not like to bring people down , he will be there whenever you need him . A born leader with a kind heart .
He is a puhoko. A born leader
by Thegreatbb November 25, 2021
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A PUHOKO is not an open person , likes to hide his weakness and his feelings , likes to show he’s not emotional and soft , but when you get to know him and make him open up to you, you’re lucky !! When he loves , he loves hard and doesn’t like to bring the people he loves down. He’ll never fail to be there for his friends, family and loved ones. You’re lucky if you have a Puhoko in your life !!!!
I have a boyfriend and his name is puhoko . Can you believe that ??
by Thegreatbb November 24, 2021
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