The fear that poor people have that everyone is out to get what little money they have. Victims of pooranoia believe that anything that costs them any money only exists to cost them money. Pooranoia is the reason that people get upset that the included breakfast at your hotel only applies to weekdays.
**Rob is a victim of pooranoia**
Rob: Dude I knew it. This is bullshit.
Mike: What's wrong?
Rob: The sale at the store ended JUST as I walked in!
Mike: Well.. yeah. It says on the door "sale ends at 5:00 pm."
Rob: No that's bullshit they just want ME to pay more.
Mike: Stop being so pooranoid.
by 12we34rtda July 12, 2011
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The sometimes unshakable feeling that despite wiping or showering you still have some poo on your anus and/or underwear.
Thanks to that mexican lunch I was left feeling pooranoia for the rest of the evening.
by moocheroo78 September 19, 2010
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The fear of being out of money caused by living paycheck-to-paycheck. This fear often lingers for years after no longer living paycheck-to-paycheck.
I have so much pooranoia from the years of minimum wage, I still check my bank account every other day to make sure I still have money.
by go-kart September 1, 2021
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