A person that knows the truth about society and knows we are fucked they wear a plague doctor mask to hide their face to be anonymous.
Dude Bob has been acting like a plagued doctor and been shouting in the town for hours
by dang Crow January 11, 2018
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Alter ego of underground emcee 9th Scientist,

Plague doctors date back to the seventeenth century, during the epidemics of bubonic plague that swept western Europe, plague doctors (who exclusively treated the infected) took to wearing a very different kind of costume to protect them from the miasma, or “bad air”, then believed to carry disease. This fanciful-looking costume typically consisted of a head-to-toe leather or wax-canvas garment; large crystal glasses; and a long snout or bird beak, containing aromatic spices (such as camphor, mint, cloves, and myrrh), dried flowers (such as roses or carnations), or a vinegar sponge. The strong smells of these items — sometimes set aflame for added advantage — were meant to combat the contagious miasma that the costume itself could not protect against.

Plague doctors also carried, the scholar G. L. Townsend chronicles, a “wand with which to issue instructions”, such as ordering disease-stricken houses filled with spiders or toads “to absorb the air” and commanding the infected to inhale “bottled wind” or take urine baths, purgatives, or stimulants. These same wands were used to take a patient’s pulse, to remove his clothing, and also to ward off the infected when they came too close. (A potent tool for social distancing if ever there was one!)
by 9th Scientist January 22, 2022
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A group of girls with mental issues and secrets. If you see them don’t ask questions just know that they are crying on the inside. These girls got memes for days and for any situation. Death in the family? Need someone murdered? How about someone to read fanfic to you at 12am? Need Teen Wolf binging partners? Someone to confess your deepest secrets, turnons, and embarrassing moments? Look no further because the Plague Doctors are for you. Formally known as the Stinky Baboons.

P.S.A Will show up to your house in the middle of the night with bird masks and hair dye.
Oh look it’s them Plague Doctors, how funny. Wait did they just crash their car!?
by Plague Doctor D July 28, 2020
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Boy 1: Did you see that Plague Doctor (Plagueism)?

Boy 2: Yes, we should bow down and worship him
by PlagueDoctor999 July 30, 2023
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Prison. I don't feel so gooooooood

Plague Doctor. he is fucking stuped
by Doctor124 August 17, 2021
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