A word for gaming. When a player's connection is above 200ms (Lag) causing teleportation, ghosting, that player will be called a "Pinger" depending on the intensity of the lag movement that person is experiencing. Mostly used in Minecraft PvP and other types of games that require an internet connection.
Player 1: Dude, I just lost to this guy. Great, now my ratings are ruined.
Player 2: Really? You lost to some random dude?
Player 1: Yes but he was ghosting around, how am I supposed to aim!?!
Player 2: Oh, dueling pingers is tough man. I know what were you talking about now.
by jpc2409 July 21, 2018
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A pinger is someone who has better internet than you (ms) giving them an advantage in PvP.
Most likely coming from minecraft users who lag..
John: 27 ms

xxPvPkillerxx: 230 ms

John has slayed xxPvPkillerxx
xxPvPkillerxx: you only won because you're a pinger!
by GhostSs May 11, 2015
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someone who ping you in discord and you want to know his IP address

"Bruh who tf pings me"
"Nigga stop pinging"
by NanoNano23 November 13, 2022
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Person: *gets pinged*
Person: gOsH dArN pInGeRs
by enkiel April 24, 2019
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A term in the rainbow 6 community to describe a person with high ping, usually either asian or latam players playing on NA servers. These players often times play very aggressive which gives them an unfair advantage with their high ping.
"This dude is a massive pinger, look hes got 120 ping and swings everything.
by fucking pingers November 7, 2021
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Taking an outrageous yet plausible long shot at goal in a sporting game e.g. Fifa, 2k etc.
"Dude, we need a goal bad"
by The phantom pinger September 16, 2013
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A tease on a dating site - someone who persistently sends cute or cryptic messages, but has no intention of meeting you - they are just testing the waters. Pinging you.
A pinger sends a message like this in the middle of the night: Having sweet dreams? Leaves you wondering - does he want to meet me? or is this what I can expect if I keep communicating with him? Cute, cryptic, ambiguous messages...
by jjoyous1 February 27, 2013
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